Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Miyazaki's Post-Retirement Work

The greatest animator of all time may have announced his retirement from feature films but his career as an all around artist still continues. Sources tell us that he is currently working on two projects right now. One is a samurai manga titled "teppo samurai" (translated in english, "Matchlock Samurai") and the other is a 10 minute short animation titled "Boro the Caterpillar" which will be the first of his career that'll be computer generated.

Ghibli fans, like myself, took Miyazaki's 2013 retirement very lightly, since the famed director is known for his unusual number of so-called "retirements". So far Miyazaki has retired a total of 5 times, even though I'm sure it will be 6 in two to three years. What I did absolutely buy from the announcement was the part where he mentioned that the time for hand-drawn animated films is over. Based on box office statistics in Japan, theirs absolutely no way an animation studio like Studio Ghibli can survive financially since CG animation has begun to slowly rise in popularity.

Here is an image for his upcoming manga, "Teppo Samurai"
Image Source: https://sociorocketnewsen.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/fi3.jpg?w=580&h=339

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